Dont Worry if You Dont Know What to Do

There is a universal force that unites all successful and happy business professionals: a love of animals. Some people like dogs, others like cats, but everybody likes animals except for a few cranky people in the office.

In fact, I can become through my career and identify a half-dozen miserable people. They had delusions of grandeur and feet. None of them had animals. Not one.

I worked with a woman who was all most her family. I knew she was all about her family unit because all she did was tell me, hey, my family comes start. You know the type. But she was also one of those super-moms who told everybody that she worked by "choice" considering she felt especially fulfilled past her job in homo resources.

She used that language IN Human being RESOURCES. Whatsoever, I still tin can't wrap my caput around that.

And then while she loved being a mom and beingness a VP of 60 minutes, she was a miserable human being who never missed an opportunity to stab a colleague in the back. Or in the face. Or the arm.

Ane day, this woman happened to overhear a conversation that I was having about my cat, Lucy. At present permit me tell you most Miss Lucy. She was the spruce goose of all cats. She was the apple of my eye, the cream of my wheat and the honey bunches of my oats.

My chat about Lucy was an opportunity for this HR lady to knock me down. I happened to have a few pictures of Lucy in my office, and she sprang at the opportunity to spring into my conversation and lecture me on how childish and immature I looked with photos of my cats all over my office.

And my first instinct was similar — who asked you lot?

Simply I was and so shocked that I said, "I'1000 sorry?"

So she repeated it. All of it. Approximate what? In version two, I still looked like a moron with all of my cat photos.

I was just like — how is this my life? Working in HR with this witch? How much harder do I accept to work to pay off these student loans? Should I let this woman kick me in the face, too?

And it should come as no shock that the mean HR lady didn't have any animals in her house. Not a guinea pig. Not a betta fish. Non a goddamn dust bunny. No animals. None.

And so all of this is just to say that people who love animals are great and happy. Everybody else will just bring you downwardly. Especially if they are HR ladies without cats or dogs.

But I Don't Like Pets

Not wanting to have the responsibility of having a pet isn't the aforementioned as hating animals, and sometimes it has everything to do with someone's past experience and even trauma. We volition get into the latter a bit afterwards.

People prioritize things differently. It is what makes usa all unique. People exist in this globe who detect no joy in caring for an animate being that will never hold a conversation with them. Why pressure someone that thinks all pets are dirty, abrasive and likewise much work to get one? No one wants to put some puppy into that sort of toxic relationship.

So, when y'all're dealing with someone who cringes at social media true cat photos or rolls their eyes at a funny function story near how your newest puppy sleeps upside down, they aren't common cold-hearted or weird — OK, maybe a little weird. But that's not the signal. Retrieve about giving them a laissez passer.  Animate being-keeping is just not for them.

Understanding the Psychology of People Who Don't Similar Animals

OK, circling back to the past life experiences that turn some people into pet-haters. You aren't going to know everything most a co-worker, nor should you. I don't want people to know my business organization.

If someone was bitten by a domestic dog as a kid, it makes sense that they are anti-domestic dog. The cat haters brand less sense, but I guess scratches can hurt. Injuries are trauma, and seeing a pet in the wild will downright startle some people.

Misinformation is a huge problem, fifty-fifty in the animal-sphere. Pets carry diseases: Mostly false. Pets give you worms: With rare exception, untrue. Exposure to pets causes allergies: Could be true, but mostly faux since allergies are acquired by your torso's antihistamine response, not the creature itself. Merely if nosotros've learned anything from COVID, correcting misinformation to someone's face will simply brand them double downwardly and make you double angry.

It isn't your identify to effort to convince someone to like pets, much less your pet. It tin can bring up some non-great things. So, just don't bring information technology upwards.

How Pets Amend Our Lives

If you lot are on the fence about pets, let me try to convince you by telling you how pets improve our lives. Those of you that hate them volition probably always hate them. And for those of us that think Miss Lucy was the greatest cat ever, then yous're right.

Some people are more than likely to become for walks when they have a dog companion to walk with them. It makes sense. Having pets makes yous healthier overall.

They reduce stress, which lowers blood pressure. And, if y'all work in HR, you need all the help you tin can get. Pets make us less lonely. Pets brand us happy and tolerable for humans because they are the all-time companions you can have.

I realize that pets aren't for anybody. I just don't get information technology, though.


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